

32 - Straight

Scotland/falkirk, United Kingdom

Apr 15, 2009 09:38

About me:
HEYYAA, Hey ma names emma am 13 years yung soon to be 14 how great yay....i've jus moved to falkirk to ma new pad n luvin it, i started ma new skwl greame high, i hate school tbh but its goin oki jus done ma sub choices about 3 weeks ago or sumit, am orig from the Isle of Arran a small island which if yew ask sum one where it is there like WTF? lol tbh loads dont no where it is so am no even gonna try n explain where it is but av lived n bo'ness fur about 5/6 years be4, Ma totaly wacky,wonderfull,funny,spazzy friends are asley,amanda,venessa there like AWSOMENESS n always will be, a love me family, ma sis mum n bro there like shweet n always there fur meh through the bad n tha good even though we fight at times a still luv those guys ), now to what a like....I like music that a can bang ma head too so a guese a like it LOUDDD!!! i like shopping but it has to be me whos the one geting the stuff haha joke a love buyin peepz stuff it makes me smile, am like a computer geek totaly geeky cuz a spend like all day onit unless am doin sumit but realy its hard to take me off people say am a nice, caring, funny girl that will listen to everyone and anyone but am gonna be totaly truthfull a get board easily but will try to listen promise, i try not to judge people first time but a guese sumtimes ano if we're gonna get along, through ma whole 13 years av been bulied alot n av been to a load of schools cuz of it, i've had a hard time with people picking on me n laughing at me n hurting me, some people who i have encounterd have though i was a bit of a freak which hurt me alot cuz even ma friends will tell you that you have to get to know me be4 you say stuff like that about me, im a bit of a shy gurl in real life but warms to people quick but on ere am like realy outgoin type but a wish a was the same in real life but tbh i am like that 1 a get to no yew so yeah hey guyss if you wanna no more ask me, i have bebo, n yahoo if you have the same i can give yew me addy so yeah fur thee now am off but am open to chat to anyone so byee x.x P.S add me