

35 - Straight

Angus, United Kingdom

Oct 15, 2013 01:56

Ok, Spoiler alert! I am a geek! You have been warned...

So now that that's out of the way, lets get down to business. I'm an Artist by trade and I specialize in Character Art and Animation. I'm a pretty laid back kind of guy, who can generally be found lounging about near some form of tech.

Yes, I love gadgetry, there is nothing I like more than playing with new toys I've been building and repairing PC's since I was 9... which is kinda scary now that I think about it...

I do spend a lot of time at my computer (curse of being a Digital Artist) but I do also like going for long walks, quiet drinks and seeing movies/shows. My favorite place in the world is definitely the beach, or at least near the sea. Despite the fact I can't swim, you'll usually find me paddling in any significant body of water...

Right now I'm working on my Portfolio in the hopes of getting into Uni next summer. Planning on studying Computer Arts and Animation with the hope of working in the Games Industry.



Age: 32 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 40 / straight

United Kingdom