

34 - Straight

Ontario, United States

Apr 14, 2009 15:49

Self Description:
Open-minded, laid back, and progressive. I'm learning to take life one day at a time, and connect more easily with people. I tend to hold myself to high personal standards, and I sometimes push myself too hard. I'm easily approachable, and can find common ground with almost everyone. Feel free to say hey if you're ever lonely.

Sleeping in, Chasing buses, Reading, Writing, Sketching, Singing, Listening to good music, Gaming, Pumping iron, Bashing politicians, Meeting people with similar interests, Winding down with a small group of friends or at a party, And all around just plain having fun.

Always Wanted To Try:
I've always wanted to try skydiving. It must feel like flying. Very fast. Towards the ground, with cold air tearing at your face and clothes.
Talk about a rush.

Goal In Life:
Ah, s**t. What's the meaning of life? I think people should suck it up and give their own lives meaning. The world belongs to those who can free their minds and seize the day. All that jazz. I think I know what it is that I want out of life. I want to protect those who can't fight for themselves. I want to meet cool, open-minded, progressive people. Maybe one day I want to find someone I can love, and get married. Maybe have kids. Whatever I do, by the end of my life, I want to be someone's hero. Have made a difference in someone's life.
Just like everyone else.

Looking For:
I don't really know. My standards aren't sky-high, but if I have any rules, the girl I'm looking for has to be intelligent, progressive, and fairly politically aware. If she looks even mildly cute, that's a hell of a bonus. I'm looking for someone who's relatively experienced and knows better than to jump headfirst into a relationship. That's about it.
I wouldn't describe myself as a Punk or Goth, but I have to admit, I've got quite a thing for punk and Goth girls.