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36 - Gay

Md, United States

Jan 20, 2009 01:45

I'm a comic book-loving Gothic Lolita who loves National Geographic, dancing, and Asian subcultures. I'm an English major and love to read and write. I'm starting 2 businesses, writing a novel, and generally creeping about (how long have you been there? I didn't even see you!)

I'm kinda obsessed with faerie tales---classical, disney, alternate, and modern. we all live in our own faerie tales, don't we?

I'm really excited about conventions and festivals. if there are pirates, faeries, villains, or video game characters, i'm there.

i'm a tomboy but i don't look like one. what i mean is that i like to dress up like a "proper lady" but do things that could be considered "masculine." (when i go to conventions i'm always in drag that being said, i'm really adamant about people defining their own genders and not trying to confine others to the two that just happen to be the most popular. a lot of things have changed since victorian times, and a lot more things have simply been hidden or overlooked. oscar wilde, for crying out loud!

I'm not looking for a gf/bf. no exceptions. ^__^