

38 - Straight

Aberdeen, United Kingdom

Jul 7, 2014 19:08

I live in Scotland.
Im a young at heart person always up for something fun.
I love the sea, I wish I was a pirate.
I love Jack Daniels, he's my best friend on a Saturday night.
Dancing is good but dancing with friends is better
I'm into all kinds of rock music, old and new.
I don't like to take life too seriously as it's there for living and enjoying.
Music is great, if it's got a guitar, a bass and drums I'm there and a bit of screaming vocals over the top just makes it worthwhile.
Films are good if they are horror, comedy or action. Can't stand romance except True Romance.
I enjoy being outside, even in the rain which is good seeing as I'm in scotland.
I'd love to travel the world but so far only made it to a few places. Hopefully some day i'll see more.
I like going to gigs, music is the best live and you can't beat a pit!!
I love Meerkats and I wish I was a pirate.
I have two tattoos so far, ask and I'll tell you where.

****Ain't it fun when you know that you're gonna die young****



Age: 32 / bi

United Kingdom


Age: 18 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 48 / straight

United Kingdom