

39 - Straight

ACT, Australia, Australia

Jun 10, 2012 15:37


My name is Ana, and I'm, alas, single! I am interested in anyone who is nice and genuine and has some similar interests to myself. About me- I am a pre-service high school teacher and visual artist. I LOVE to draw and paint, more than just about anything. I also love music, travelling, bushwalking or just being in nature,and my cat, Sepia, that I love to bits- I had no idea one could become so attatched to an animal, she's like my family : )

I'm rather sensitive, I see a lot in this world that makes my heart ache and am very interested in protecting the environment and human and animal rights. I'm a vegetarian but don't worry - I don't just date other vegos! However I do I like people who I can have a good talk with about... dare I say it...the 'P' word... politics! So yeah, I'm a little bit of a nerd.

But I also have a bit of the rebel in me, I'm a huge fan of tattoos, in fact, if the teaching thing doesn''t work out- I might try get a tattoo apprenticeship.

Ok Ok so I'm 27 and I'm still not 100 percent sure of what I want to 'be when I grow up', but I'm not too bothered by that. All I want from life is happiness, good friends and someone to love.