

31 - Straight

East Sussex, United Kingdom

Nov 8, 2022 22:56

Looking for someone to share my life with but happy to see where things lead.

I’m a short ass, my height doesn’t bother me, I make more jokes about myself than anything else 😅

Tattoos- I’ve got my right arm, both hands, knuckles, couple on my left arm, couple on my shoulders, few on my left leg.
Piercings- both ears 18mm with piercings next to them also on my ear lobes to stretch.

Love gaming from retro consoles like the SNES to my Xbox one. Collecting retro consoles and games.

Enjoy going out for the odd drink now and then.
Seeing live bands/gigs. Into metal music. Five finger death punch and disturbed are on my must see live list!

I’m a mechanic working Monday-Friday with weekends usually consisting of relaxing, seeing friends, more tattoos and gaming.

I like watching anime, have a couple of anime tattoos along with some Pokémon ones also.

I have a cat, pins. She’s great!

Travelling is a passion of mine, a solo trip to Japan is booked for January!



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East Sussex
United Kingdom


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East Sussex
United Kingdom


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East Sussex
United Kingdom


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East Sussex
United Kingdom

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United Kingdom


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East Sussex
United Kingdom


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United Kingdom


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United Kingdom

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United Kingdom

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East Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 28 / straight

East Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 29 / straight

East Sussex
United Kingdom