

35 - Straight

Mid Glamorgan, United Kingdom

Apr 3, 2024 20:55

Hello and welcome to my profile!

I want to re-acquaint myself with the metal community. I'm not looking to date just yet but it'd be nice to make some new pals. I'm a friendly person and I tend to get along with most people - so why not say hello?


Education: Former PhD computer science student (one day I'll finish it), Computer Science Masters holder, Games Design BA degree and Grade 8 guitarist.

Work: Previous software developer and games designer with a few decent titles on Steam, currently on the path to self employment as a games designer being furloughed in the events industry.

Heroes: Nikola Tesla, Alan Watts and Saladin

Interests: Music both listening and performing (I play guitar and sing/scream in a metal band, bass, I can tanpura and I make weird instruments), Reading (Fantasy, Sci-fi and all the subjects I'm interested in - let's talk Goodreads?), Religion (All religions, particularly eastern ones, lots of Buddhism), Animals (canines, goats and lizards) Video Games (Warzone, Aimlabs, LoL and all the retro stuff up until the playstation 2 era), Philosophy (Eastern is my favourite) , Psychology (Victor Frankl, Maslow, anything existential) X, Computer Science/Electronics (anything involving hardware, AI, deep learning, algorithms and complexity and web stuff) Fitness (Triathalon and Gym, I love running!) Nature (spending as much time outside as I can, hiking or running), Artists (Gustav Klimt, Monet, Dali, Bekinski), Cooking (One pots - I make a mean chilli), History (big lover of castles, medieval Britain and the crusades) Art (I enjoy drawing and painting and would love to get into sculpture), Cosmetics (I make shampoo and soap, like cooking but for the body), Sustainable living (I like plants and I plan to build an off grid house someday).

sexuality: I've been into kink for as long as I can remember and not vanilla in any way. I'm looking forward to exploring more events as the pandemic draws to a close. I'm of a switch interest and I can make the shiny clothing. Ask me for my Fet profile if you'd like to know more


Happy to chat to anyone and everyone



Age: 27 / straight

Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom


Age: 33 / straight

Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom


Age: 36 / straight

Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom


Age: 41 / straight

Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom

Dead Roses

Age: 25 / bi

Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom


Age: 35 / straight

Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom


Age: 30 / straight

Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom