

39 - Straight

West Riding of Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Jun 11, 2020 13:34

Excuse the messy mohawk, quarantine has created a monster. Photos also uploaded weird, ill update soon.

6'2 Yorkshireman. I work in insurance but promise im not a bad person!
Introvert masked as an extrovert, I enjoy science, history and geeky stuff but promise not to bore you with it.
Im into punk, ska, metal, hiphop, boardgames and tattoos (I'll show you mine if you show me yours)

I have a laid back and accepting personality but love debate because most of life is a shade of grey. I like challenging and logical thinking but also appreciate artistic talent because I dont have an artistic bone in my body - I can barely draw a stickman. I like bright, bold and eclectic, much like my wardrobe.

I've been single around 3 years and feel like I've now got the rest of my life in order, so its time to find the right person to spend it with. I'd like to settle down with a small family and spend whatever time we have left on this planet making memories together.
Sorry I dont take photos or selfies often, we'll just have to meet in person



Age: 55 / straight

West Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 49 / straight

West Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 33 / straight

West Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 32 / straight

West Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom

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Age: 37 / straight

West Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom

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Age: 56 / straight

West Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 34 / straight

West Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 38 / straight

West Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 38 / straight

West Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 48 / straight

West Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom

Derelict Daydream

Age: 48 / straight

West Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom