

44 - Straight

West Sussex, United Kingdom

May 20, 2020 07:20

Where to start, I love cheese...Mmmm cheese !

I’m Craig, I live in Hayward’s Heath but originally from Brighton

Did I mention I love cheese?

For fun I enjoy socialising both at home and away, like Bowling, Gigs, Cinema and also partial to a good meal...Mexican or Indian would be my food of choice

Enjoying cooking, like making Italian dishes but also not too shabby at a Lamb Rengdang & Katsu Curry

Music is very important to me, listen to lots everything from Rock, Metal, Blues, Indie and older stuff, especially as I grew up in the 80’s (I have very random Spotify playlists) I like going to Gigs, although gutted I that Machine Head and possibly Faith no More has/will been posponed

I have been to some awesome places including Egypt which was amazing and Washington DC. Planning to make a trip to Iceland and see the Northern Lights

I work in IT as a Test Analyst for a University, love my job and the people I work with

Not a massive drinker these days, might have the occassional beer/whiskey
I'm still a very social person though

In my free time I like to watch films or binge watch a TV show (cinema/home), just started to pick up the guitar again after many moons and going back to the gym/swimming (for my Cheese addiction)

Ideally looking for dates that may turn into a relationship, dont really have a type but if your laid back, funny and affectionate then we are half way there

Conversation Starters

Anything Marvel
What box set are you watching?
What does music mean to you?
Whats your favourite Cheese?

***With this lockdown and the world going crazy meeting up may not be for a while but be nice to chat and get to know someone**



Age: 39 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 46 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 37 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 50 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 37 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 39 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 32 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 31 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 24 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 64 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 23 / bi

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 38 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom