

50 - Straight

Middlesex, United Kingdom

Jul 26, 2018 20:03

Don't you hate writing these 'about me' things?
So I'm a 44 year old single mum. Been on my own for about 3 years now and thought it was time to get out there again (whatever that means).
Heard about this through a friend and thought why not.
Seeing as I'm here and not tinder, you can guess my preference in music tastes I'm sure but alt/rock/metal in case.
I'm very chilled and love to relax with a film, a book or music.
When I'm not busy I play video games. Preferably sci-fi fantasy genres (for books too).
I'm not sure how to describe my looks. Currently I have short hair and tend to change colour often - it's blue atm. Im medium (ish) build I guess. All the normal stuff yanno.
I have kids. 3 still at home, but that's me done haha. I've definitely added my bit now. And done with nappies and sleepless nights.
I'm quite a shy person. I probably come across as something else, but I do feel anxious in new situations and generally don't put myself out there. So more often than not, I won't send the first message. Usually.
That's it I guess, ask if you wanna know anything else...



Age: 36 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 42 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 21 / gay

United Kingdom