

29 - Straight

Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom

Nov 3, 2018 02:26

Looking to start travelling the country so making friends in new places will be handy. Im not strictly looking for more than that, however, if something does happen to develop then i doubt I'll complain.

I dont do one night stands (Shocking i know, what sort of man is this!) So if your thinking I just want to go around the country 'on the pull' you are highly mistaken, if i ever message or arrange to meet up with you it's most likely because we have something in common and I'm either nearby or want to visit your area for an event.

15 tattoos and 2 piercings (used to have more)

previous hawk hair colours: brown - red - blonde - blue -
bluish green.

likes: Garlic bread - left over garlic bread - Playing a guitar to an okay standard - Daisy (my snake) - knives - Horror films - Honesty - Respect.. and a ton of other things, its likely that we have something in common.

Dislikes: Typing in these things - Liars - Ignorance - Videos buffering - Things that generally seem to piss people off.



Age: 38 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 33 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom

- [ 山工尺乇 ] -

Age: 38 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 31 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 32 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 41 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 41 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 43 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom

Ricky Lee

Age: 33 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 34 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 28 / bi

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 45 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom