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43 - Straight

Bedfordshire, United Kingdom

Jun 11, 2017 21:15

Hi, my name's Chris... a few random facts about me:

* I'm naturally quite creative but one thing I'd love to try that I haven't done before is writing music. You know... to make the neighbours really glad they chose to live next to me. I have absolutely no clue where I would start, but that leads me to another thing: I love pushing myself with a good (often impossible) challenge.

* I can be both an introvert and an extrovert in equal measure - You might find me reading a good book, watching the science channel or being a general geek one day and find me down the gym or competing in some outdoor physical challenge the next. Likewise - I'm just as happy staying in for the night as I am going out.

* I'll tell you straight up - my dance skills could use some work. But some day I would love to learn how to dance properly on the offchance I end up a million miles away, just letting go on some exotic island somewhere.

* When not put on the spot I can do a fairly good Arnie impersonation.

* I'm half Irish. It just so happens that I'm also half-crazy (in a good way ofc). Scientific studies remain inconclusive whether the two are actually linked (...they probably are though.)

* I often wonder - what are Brazil Nuts called in Brazil?

* I wear a special cologne. I. It's illegal in nine countries. Yep. It's made with bits of real panther, so you know it's good.

* If opposites attract then that would mean my ideal date would be a black dwarf-girl with a beard. But I don't want to come across as picky, so I think i'll just settle for an interracial girl minus the facial hair (sorry to all you bearded dwarf ladies. However, on the rare chance that you don't have a beard then please do get in touch)

Ok, seriously though, my good qualities... I'm not your typical guy. I'm tall, charming, intelligent, sensitive, a bit of a geek, altruistic, and still knows how to be a bit cheeky/get into a bit of trouble and have some fun. Bottom line is I'm not a pushover, but I do know how to treat a girl right and will never hurt you but will always stand up for you.

If you wanna chat, you can add me on FB instead. Search for cc013 on there and you'll find me, I promise I won't bite.

I wear matching socks, I still have all my teeth, (most of) my hair, so let me hear from you!

PS. I bet you didn't pick up on the movie quote in one of the lines above.

PPS. Had to include this... I've gotten a couple of messages about the cologne line, so for the ladies who didn't quite catch on... no panthers were actually harmed in the making of this profile!



Age: 19 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 37 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 35 / straight

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Age: 57 / straight

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Age: 28 / straight

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Age: 56 / straight

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Age: 58 / straight

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Age: 37 / straight

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Age: 23 / straight

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Age: 20 / straight

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Age: 36 / straight

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Age: 55 / straight

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