

38 - Straight

New South Wales, Australia

Oct 17, 2016 11:19

About me:

(Don't really like to think so much. Lol this is all too deep or to much. If u can be bothered reading then u can read. It's all a bit much it goes on for ages... just to let ya know)))

Real. Deep. Thoughtful. Caring. Kind. Wise. Funny. Smart. Intellectual. Peaceful. Different. Alternative. Warrior. Survivor. Love ppl with big but real and truthful personalities but who are cool.. if there ever is any out there. Thinker. Muso. Artist. Writer. I don't like to boast at all.. Totally down to earth and very very real. I'm not that good either..alot of problems created by others so a bit of a lost soul right now but not forever. I always see my faults and would love to change heaps and not think so much...that comes with being around the right ppl hopefully in the future...which is now. No time to wait and no time to waste. Like to be straightforward and upfront and always say as it is.. trying to connect the right souls to my own and replace them with the previous bad ones who ever came near me which it wasn't supposed to ever be that way I'm too good. My soul is reaching out to draw in the other right souls in this realm who are the same, peaceful and innocent as myself..and I totally repell everything bad or evil..

I don't like to talk about myself I'm more humble then that. as crazy as it all sounds. I love eveything that's beautiful and nothing ugly or creepy. Sorry just trying to be real. Trying to be more normal..and can be if i find the right one because I'm easily shapable..and also easily influenced.. but not to be taken advantage of. No time for bulls**t.

I like dominate personalities. And i like am dominate but very attentive and submissive also generally. I'm not talking about sexual s**t... I'd love ppl to be really kind and nice. Loving and caring as Iam.

Am very into myself but very into others who are real and innocent. .trying to change.

Appreciate and respect all things and all walks of life and lifeforms in this beautiful world that I'm so happy to be in..

Trying to find real ppl who are s* an overall character trait..or believe in themselves and have great character traits. I'm interested in ppl who have been through alot of hard times.. who are understanding and caring.

Compassionate. Romantic. Down to earth. I love all people.

Bad traits:
Egotistical reasonably. Can seem arrogant. I seem to think I'm too cool for everyone and to innocent (but totally see my faults always. I'm the first one to admit to my faults).. No time for figuring out bulls**t. Into myself. And to good. Which is just the

Love to be real...

Just want to find the right innocent one or ones such as myself. I've always been totally innocent on this world and my character is strong and i back all evil of immediately and evil can come near me it can briefly observe but it's all repelled...

Someone who is innocent and real like myself. Not interested in evil or negative stupidity. Love comedy and crazy stuff and intensity..but nothing to extreme.


Death metal Visual Kei music... with meaning. ..Vampire Faerie.. (??? Whatever that means lol)

Love guys who are alternative goth etc vk definitely. But very straight generally. Not interested in females at all unless she's got a real personality in that case I could consider friendships but I'm real innocent and i don't want others to influence me. I like cute funny and wise stuff... like myself and alternative. Sorry to be so real in summing this whole thing up. Thanks.

Not crazy at all. I just like to speak the truth all the time. Thanks heaps. Be real. Never waste people's time etc...

Thanks heaps. Would be great to make some friends and maybe more. That would be awesome... sorry for all the words. Thanks for your time. If u don't like this don't respond please. I just wanna chill and have fun. Not interested in heavy things at all. Just looking for peace.



Age: 42 / straight

New South Wales


Age: 53 / straight

New South Wales


Age: 50 / bi

new south wales

Goth princes

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Age: 41 / straight

New South Wales