

38 - Straight

Co. Durham, United Kingdom

Jun 10, 2019 16:35

I am looking for something specific and I will not settle for anything less, nor for anyone who thinks they can, only to give up because they don't understand what true commitment is.
I am seeking the kind of relationship that to most would be deemed unhealthy, but given the state of society, is it really up to the masses to decide what can really be considered healthy?
I am seeking a woman who is not afraid of commitment, and is ready to embrace utter love and commitment to a single man whom she will do anything to satisfy, knowing that she is the also the centre of his world and that he will do the same for her.
I am looking for a mind to click with, who is on the same page but can still find ways to surprise me. A woman who has individual tastes that she has developed through personal interest and not because they are current societal fads... A font of knowledge who can spur on debate or conversation.
To the public we are the loving couple everyone longs to be, ranting over coffee and going out for meals. Building experiences and moments with each other. To each other we are the owners of each others heart. Each breathe equal to a beat. Wrapped in one-anothers arms. Ready to trust this man with your everything, to fall asleep with him knowing that you are truly loved, safe and secure.



Age: 25 / straight

Co. Durham
United Kingdom


Age: 18 / straight

Co. Durham
United Kingdom


Age: 58 / straight

Co. Durham
United Kingdom


Age: 26 / straight

Co. Durham
United Kingdom


Age: 35 / straight

Co. Durham
United Kingdom


Age: 38 / straight

Co. Durham
United Kingdom


Age: 20 / straight

Co. Durham
United Kingdom


Age: 58 / straight

Co. Durham
United Kingdom


Age: 38 / straight

Co. Durham
United Kingdom


Age: 40 / straight

Co. Durham
United Kingdom

Pretty normal guy

Age: 44 / straight

Co. Durham
United Kingdom


Age: 32 / straight

Co. Durham
United Kingdom