

31 - Straight

Herefordshire, United Kingdom

Jan 17, 2016 15:24

Hi, I'm Ben I'm a happy, polite, thoughtful, level headed, reserved and respectful person with an almost creepy passion for video games!! But it's OK, I don't just sit around all day playing them eating crap with the window slightly open as if I am actually getting any sunlight or fresh air...ok, so sometimes. No, I actually have a degree in video games design and it has always been a life long ambition to start my own games company, so that is what I'm working on!! Awesome ain't it! Making GAMES!! ...calm yourself, Ben.

I love creative design whether it be Graphics, film or music I am always productive and love to create! "It's better to create something that others criticise, than to create nothing and criticise others". I drum with my Metal band Hate.System. This is truely my release, my time to let loose, this band is very dear to my heart and every note means something of great importance to me. Heavy metal is in my blood, I grew up with it, I live and breath it. I'm quite humble and modest so if I had to rate my drumming skills, I'd probably give a solid 34.6 out of 41. It's a very complex, time consuming rating system.

I do not partake in silly bickering, false rumour spreading or ****y gossip. Sure I love a good moan and grumble but I will always try to make you smile when you're sad, listen when you're angry and give you space when you need it. I will always provide the balance. I think clearly, have high goals for myself and don't have any dark secrets - I have precisely 4 and a half skeletons under my bed, well, 4 and half a rotting one (it was a logistical nightmare, I'll tell you the whole story when A. You ask B. You won't call the cops and C. it's dark and windy outside.)

Anywhoser, I am always me with everyone but not in a "you either hate me or you love me, I don't care" kind of way, I am always polite and respectful to others and will have you laughing in seconds... Hum...yeah. Thanks for visiting, if you don't like the look or sound of me I would appreciate you leave some feedback on a customer survey you might win a £500 gift-card, shall I pop your receipt in the're not a work now Ben, stop it! Come say "Hi"!!



Age: 55 / straight

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Age: 29 / straight

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Age: 46 / straight

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Age: 34 / straight

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Age: 21 / straight

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Age: 28 / straight

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