

36 - Bi

South Dakota, United States

Jul 25, 2010 16:56

Sup? :3 You can call me Xaria and yes, I'm a fur. Don't hate.

I'm 22. I'm Pansexual. No, it's not the same as bi. Go look it up. I consider myself 'straightedge,' I suppose, though I didn't even know what the term meant until recently. I've just never had much respect for kids who think its amusing to get trashed and make complete asses of themselves. I'm a nerd. And despite my frequent pessimism, I can still manage to be bubbly as hell when I want to be. >:3 I'm also a hopeless romantic and been burned my fair share of times for it... I'm very loyal.

I'm a fairly open minded individual, always looking for intelligent, cool people to talk to. Not really into the egotistical sort, they tend to piss me off. D: So, if you find yourself to be one of those, please keep it to yourself. Otherwise, I'm pretty laid back and love to listen.

Music is a huuuuge passion of mine. I'll listen mostly to anything electronic, trance holding a special place in my heart. I dig indie stuff too annnnd pfft. Tool is and always WILL be one of my favorite bands, ever.

Art's a huge part of my life as well. I love to draw, paint, CG or even build costumes in my spare time. Hoping to go to an art school and study illustration or studio art once I separate. Yes, I'm in the Air Force. No, I don't support the military. But hey, I'd like to go to college again someday, and this was kinda my last option at the time. I'll suck it up.

So, hit me up if ya wanna chat sometime. Muwah~



Age: 32 / straight

South Dakota
United States


Age: 29 / straight

South Dakota
United States


Age: 24 / straight

South Dakota
United States


Age: 32 / bi

South Dakota
United States


Age: 43 / bi

South Dakota
United States