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40 - Straight

canada, Canada

Nov 25, 2015 18:07

Graduate good times come on,
I snicker to myself
-I just don’t want to peel back the scab-
thinking to myself
the puss(!) I am, convinced(!) is waiting just within-
itchy and dry- its better this way- I defend-
I watch the flakes of withered quivering skin descending into the wind
-remorseful that I can find no meaning-
I wonder how it meets its end? or if one can say it ever does?
will it meet its end in a paste of dirt and flesh?-
::my heart sinks into whats left of my guts::

I hear Im going to get toppled as a ordnance from god
- be at close to home or far away-
and my only hope to avoid any such matter is to write about it
a promise of pain either way
the reflection alone
now Im not ever expensive
should I wear cop sunglasses to avoid the bear mace?!
The track switches and the lens drop from the watchful eyes of the cemetery
ancestral spirits roam the streets to devour the pride of rebirth
the very same spirit's that are connected to you but I digress-
water for all-water for all-i see the the warning sign on the road ahead

things are tricky, as I run you along the lower end of the east side
you might notice crawling with southern belles like sea shells or curved window displays of mandated optical illusion
as we look closer into the edges of theses streets we see maggots surviving in piss
crevasses covered by the spectacle
dancing black and white lights
poisoned by strings of relation
manipulated by by free time and basically forced witch craft
that “we” promptly hunt and dispose of
over endowments and proper spoiled delusion;brought us out this far into the open I suspect
Be it I never put my life in danger and call this a job, but do you have any idea how to report non work related injury’s in, with out bowing down to a imperialistic death machine?
Not so easy.... I quick rest perhaps?
When I see two female police officers patrolling together
( be it car horse, car or on foot)
I get a feeling the universe iv walked into-
(around the corner up the street
{the deliberation I made in my mind to keep the peace}
and promote not shooting kids at school)
has paid off.
My head buried in my lap
-a praise so to be-

around the corner and up the street
I have another headache waiting for me-
I can see the tracks slipping off the weekend rails
a orange work vest reminds me of danger
-thank god its Monday wont stop playing in my head-
-the Gods say this is good for me and everybody else-
the all in one testament
my lords – my good lord forgive me-
the bell around my neck ringing with each step
I thank god its not my head I exclaim
-this year alone I must have sustained multiple (plus 7-8? double plus?) head fractions
and I have every reason to believe I have up held peace in a wide arrangement of mind states without being oppressively violent – which might be a long way off the mark from completely non-violent but its a start- so I guess that’s not poetry but its how it feels to be me this year-
so now I will not guise my wounds like the open flame
cut off the hand along with the infection/infection/infection
may I judge not as if you where the hand of God-
and except my fate, holding out for the natural rewards of a cruel world entertainment complex-
no such thing as a free diner-
a tax write off or a waste of time?
Im remorsefully starting to think cretin people are entitled to secrets-
-hang me on the cross-
-let me hang-
-“is all I can think to say”-
the eyes are pouring down on me in ways I can not explain or ignore-
Its zombie time_ my mind mutters like a old time radio--
see the sea part
see on one side
-they know your secrets but will never know you-
on the other
they know of your majesty but DARE NOT SAY I THING!
Something about ancestral heritage
a right for those along the way
fill in the blank....

stomp on a stack of limes



Age: 29 / bi



Age: 58 / straight



Age: 29 / straight


Grim Rider

Age: 37 / straight



Age: 34 / straight
