

28 - Straight

Montana, United States

Jan 15, 2015 21:10

Well, You can call me Froztbiyte! So one thing you should know..I love dragons...Like LOVE them..alot...
​I also like​Dragons;Rides of Berk, Dragons;Defenders of Berk, Adventure Time, Full metal alchemist, Pandora Hearts, Fairy Tail, Sword Art Online, Claymore, Attack on Titan, Darker Than Black, Code Geass, Death Note, FMA Brotherhood, death note, Nabari No Ou, ECT
I also LOVE music! I play Bass, infact! Bass guitarist FOREVER!! I'm currently trying to start a band with my friends, its called the Icespitters
​My favorite bands/Musical artists:....Black Veil Brides, HollyWoodUndead, Escape The Fate, Marilyn Manson, Three Days Grace, Imagine Dragons,Metalica, Coheed And Combria, Skillet, Simple Plan, Mayhem, 3OH!3, Good Charlotte, My Chemical Romance, Papa Roach, Rise Against, Eminem, The Killers, Jhon Powel,

​And VIDEOGAMES!! Did I mention that I just LOVE them?!? Sonic, Pokemon, Deadspace, Left4dead, Portal,FMA, Mario, Resident Evil, Skyrim, Beyond two souls, Mad father, Spore, Happy wheels, Smash bros, MMA, Adventure time, SOD, Amnisia, Walking dead, Corpse Party, Crooked man, COD Ghosts, AND ALOT MORE! Any anime, scary, adventure or Roleplaygames! I love the MMORPG game, SOD(School of Dragons) LOVE IT!! My viking name is, of course, Froztbiyte!! (Spelled the cool way! B) )
​Favorite gameing platforms...mostly Xbox360, 3DS, Wii, PS2, Computer, Iphone..
​I love How to train your dragon so much that I can watch it 5 times a day each day and NEVER get tiered of it! i also love part 2!!

​I love the books 'Warriors' by Erin Hunter, 'Demonatta' By Darren Shann, 'Wings of Fire' by Tui T. Sutherland, and "Guardians of Gahool" By Kathryn Lasky.

​I like to read alot. I play video games, and watch movies(But only if they are scary of if they have dragons!) My main hobbies are drawing, wrighting, videogames, and playing Bass.
​Things I do alot, climbing, hikeing, music, and I love finding secret places to play my ocarina, write, draw and just relax and escape into nature. Climbing trees and taking naps are a regular thing for me as well..Shooting my bow and arrow, shooting guns, and swinging swords are a fun hobbie as well
​I want to be a pilot one day, or mechanic. I love mechanical things, graphics, and animation. So either Pilot, Animator, writer, Director, Mechanic, Carpenter..I love building things and creating things with my imagination

​I've been bullied alot, being judged for the music I listen to, the things I like and draw, the things I do and the way I act. But I couldn't be happier. Because being myself is what makes me happy. And if it pisses you off and you want to call me 'Emo freak' for the way I dress and the music I like, that's ok. I respect your asshole opinion and pray you have a nice life being a jack ass. My favorite 'insult' so far is 'Crazy dragon emo freak' I just love it. Its not an insult to me. It makes me happy to see people are jealous of how awesome I am
​Yes, I am mostly a loner. But thats because society is a bitch. And I ignore things that might make me doubt myself. Because I believe in myself. End of story. My loyalty is hard to earn...But tust me when I say..My loyalty is forever. I never lie to a true friend. and Ill never leave you. If someone hurts my friend..they better prepare for their face to be rearranged. I love practicing Akihito and MMA. (My dad was in the military)

​So, if you somehow become my friend, prepare for me to be there for you forever. Ill never leave you if youre sad. and my loyalty is forever.

​Well, thats all about me. Its nice to meet you. I am Froztbiyte.



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