

28 - Straight

East Riding of Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Jan 9, 2015 02:43

Well. Ever since I was young I've always wanted to help people. Make them smile or just simply push them in the right direction so their happy with there life. I'm working towards being a social worker :3 so excited I honestly can't wait to start college than uni. I've never been so excited to do something in my life! I'm a nice person I'll listen to anyone and help anyone at all. If you wanna rage? Great I'll listen when you think no one else will. I know I don't have a picture up but that's simply becuase I have no idea how to do it! Hahaha I've been told I'm a good friend. I would do anything for anyone (with in reason haha) I love animals! I love my music!



Age: 50 / bi

East Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 35 / straight

East Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 30 / gay

East Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom

Perfect Angel

Age: 20 / bi

East Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 46 / straight

East Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 91 / straight

East Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom

YoUr NiGhTmArE

Age: 29 / bi

East Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 32 / straight

East Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 29 / straight

East Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 32 / straight

East Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom