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84 - Straight

Midlothian, United Kingdom

Aug 20, 2014 22:42

Hey there, I'm Mark and despite the young-looking face, I am unfortunately 30.

I am obsessed with music, listening to it, writing it, recording it, playing it, learning about it etc. I've been playing guitar and writing songs for 12 years and had my efforts rewarded last year when a small record label put out an EP of my songs. It's not quite enough to pay the bills yet so I also work full time as a chef while working on music from home.

Right now I'm pretty happy with life. I've got my own flat, a rewarding job and a great family and set of friends but I became newly single a few months back so I became another in the long line of people who never thought they'd go for online dating but as Doc said in Back To The Future 'I figured, what the hell?'

Other things I can often be found doing include but are not limited to: Reading books (I firmly believe in the old adage 'if a girl takes you back to her flat and she has no books, don't do it), swimming and keeping fit (I like to keep myself in good shape but the gym isn't my second home or anything), playing poker with my friends (and usually winning all of their money), learning card magic (it's a pretty geeky hobby but you get hooked on the reactions when you pull off a world class trick), talking to my best friends in that unique Scottish way of showing someone you care by insulting them, supporting a sh*te football team, impressing people with my knowledge of obscure 90s pop, taking a lot of photographs (I admit I am a bit of an Instagram addict but in my defence I never take selfies or pictures of my dinner).

I also love learning about other cultures and countries and generally have a fear of being ignorant or generally living within my own little bubble, I like to have a sense of the world around me and to keep any trivial worries I have in perspective and this generally means I don't sweat the small things and am fairly calm and logical in a crisis.

I like to think (and many people tell me) I'm intelligent, well spoken and knowledgeable about as much as possible but at the same time I'm always learning from other people, always looking to improve myself and be the best at whatever I set my mind to, not in an arrogant sense, I just believe that if you throw your hands up and think you're great at something then there's nothing left to work on. There's always more I can learn and better ways to do things, I'm kinda OCD about that I guess but again, in a good way.


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