

29 - Straight

Tranås, jönköping, Sweden

Oct 8, 2015 21:17

Hello, I am an icelandic male at the age of 20, My name is Jökull Freyr Ólafsson. I currently reside within sweden, just finnished school focused on uppholstering, currently employed for about 6 months then I head of for a school in denmark where I will be learning the japanese language, japanese culture and also develop my drawing skills within the manga artform. my music style is mostly metalcore and screamo, but also listen to a wide veriaty of music genres ranging from rock to hip-hop music don't wanna go too in detail with it since there is alot ;P. Also I have lisp so, if that is offputting in anyway I'd just like to get that information out there.

I am currently looking for a serious relationship, I consider myself a hopeless romantic when it comes to relationships for better or worse, I like walking in the rain, for some reason it's calming and feels intimet when with another person, otherwise I just like the usual stuff, hugging cuddling just being around eachother, looking for someone I can be completely honest with that isn't judging about past tens expieriances, I am an incredibly honest person when it comes to someone I have an understanding with, meaning that I say what I think almost regardless to the situation, of course I tone it down in some area's.

I like spending my days hanging out with friends or listening to music, looking at series reading manga or watching anime, I am currently fluent in 4 languages, Icelandic, swedish, english and danish and soon adding japanese to that , The most important thing in my life is family and close friends I know that might sound clishé but it's the truth and I'll never go back on those words.

(to be updated at a later date, if there is anything else you would like to know feel free to ask.)