

34 - Straight

Middlesex, United Kingdom

Mar 19, 2015 06:25

Charlie is my name And i am a massive Geek!

My childhood was a mixture of bubble gum flavour pandapop, being amazed by the rain and thunderstorms outside my window, Cartoons like X-men, Batman and Cow and Chicken. Watching Artattack and Keenan and Kel "Orange Soda!".
Listening to the Mr. blobby song too many times. Air guitaring to AC/DC and guns and roses with my dog.. She waged that tail like a maniac!
Crash bandicoot and the Mega drive.
My favourite Soundtracks are
Linken park Meteora
Guardians of the Galaxy
Rob Zombie Hillbilly deluxe
Queens of the stoneage songs for the death
And much more..
I love MOVIES! The pagemaster, neverending story, Labyrinth, lost boys, willow, goonies, fifth element and big trouble in little china.
Bruce cambell is Awesome "Evil Dead"
My fave quote is "Be excellent to each other" from bill and ted.
I eat everything like a T-rex but do love Itallian.
Reading books from Deadpool comics to charlie and the chocolate factory.
LOVE London especially covent garden markets.
Cookies make me happy..
Love listening to the rain and being outside in it too.

I wear Huff socks, Vans and converse - Obey and Iron fist clothes I am me and i wont change .. unless bribed with cookies.
I love museums, Dinosaurs and art and crafts stuff.
I also play computer games and have a uber amount of awesome friends.



Age: 33 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 36 / straight

United Kingdom