

30 - Straight

South Australia, Australia

Jun 9, 2016 14:26

Before you read my profile I will say this.

If you are fake, chances are I will find out and you will be ignored.
You have better chances of getting a reply from my email, kik or Facebook (no Skype unless I have had more than one conversation with you) Message me first
If you type like this repeatedly (Sux, ded, Fday, Cri, Bbe or anything similar) The simple answer now is goodbye. If you have trouble spelling it is fine. But try and spell cry-cri correctly.

I am Nicole, but call me Shantey. 22 years old
Lives in South Australia in the country side with my parents.

I have 2 best friends. I listen to all kinds of music and watch all kinds of movies, but I love horror. Of course.
I read all kinds of books but I do have some favourite genres.....

I love reading, anything to do with art, writing stories, taking photo's and swimming.

Some things I like:
Music, movies, going to the beach, reading, writing, taking photo's, singing to music, going out dancing, making cakes and being crafty. Cold weather, stormy weather and lightning.

Some things I don't like:
Liers, Users, fakes, Hot weather, living away from my friends, cheaters. Being bored, the fact that I have never been kissed or gone a date before. Seafood(Doesn't eat or do anything with harming sea creatures) and when people break their promises.

I start off very shy and quiet, but that changes once you know me after a while.

I prefer South Australia, but anywhere in Australia will be ok.
Out of Australia, not to sure but maybe.

It takes a while for me to trust people, and say some things as of things in the past.


I also have kik, Facebook, skype if you would prefer to chat there.

I am also at the point where I do not mind if you are not from Australia, but keep in mind I would like to possibly meet you in the future.

Thank you for reading everything.

It's official, I have decided.
When I die, I am dying with my cat in my arms.

This website is already dying again.



Age: 37 / straight

South Australia


Age: 27 / straight

South Australia